All Publications


Cruz-Sandoval, D., Murakami, M., Kubota, A., and Riek, L.D. "PODER: A robot programming framework to further inclusion of people with mild cognitive impairment in HRI research". (2025). In Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM/IEEE Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). pp. 1-11. [Acceptance rate: 25%] [pdf]

Riek, L.D. and Irani, L. "The Future is Rosie? Disempowering arguments about automation and what to about it". (2025). Proceedings of the 2025 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '25. pp. 1-22. [Acceptance rate: 24.8%] [pdf]

Jamshad, R., Simkins, S., and Riek, L.D. (2025). Human-Robot Action Teams: How Proactive Robots Can Support Team Goals. In Teams in AI, Eds., Susannah Paletz and Samantha Dubrow. Emerald. In press


Haripriyan, A., Jamshad, R., Ramaraj, P., and Riek, L.D. (2024) "Human-Robot Action Teams: A Behavioral Analysis of Team Dynamics". In Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2024. [pdf]

Jayaraman, S., Phillips, E., Church, D., and Riek, L.D. "Privacy and Utility Perceptions of Social Robots in Healthcare". Computers in Human Behavior. 2024. [pdf]

Bouzida, A., Kubota, A., Cruz-Sandoval, D., Twamley, E., and Riek, L.D. "CARMEN: A Cognitively Assistive Robot for Personalized Neurorehabilitation at Home" In Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM/IEEE Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). 2024. [Acceptance rate: 24%] [pdf]
🏆 Best Paper Honorable Mention

Bestmann, B., Chow, A., Kubota, A., and Riek, L.D. "GARRY: The Gait Rehabilitation Robotic System" In Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM/IEEE Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) 2024. [pdf]

Matsumoto, S. and Riek, L.D. "Telepresence Robots for Dynamic, Safety-Critical Environments". In HRI Pioneers 2024. [Acceptance rate: 31%] [pdf]

Ghosh, P., Haripriyan, A., Chow, A., Redfield, S., and Riek, L.D. (2024) "Envisioning Mobile Telemanipulator Robots for Long Covid". In Companion Proc. of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2024. [pdf]

Jamshad, R., Haripriyan, A., Sonti, A., Simkins, S., and Riek, L.D. (2024) “Human-Robot Action Teams: How Robots Can Be Proactive Teammates”. In Companion Proc. of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2024. [pdf]

Jayaraman, S., Philips, E., Church, D., and Riek, L.D. (2024) "Social Robots in Healthcare: Characterizing Privacy Considerations". In Companion Proc. of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2024. [pdf]

Carlsen, P. A., Taylor, A. M., Chan, D. M., Uddin, M. Z., Riek, L., & Torresen, J. (2024). Real-Time Person Re-Identification to Improve Human-Robot Interaction. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR)

Ramaraj, P., Hairpriyan, A., Jamshad, R., and Riek, L.D. (2024). "Analysis of Social Signals in Human-Robot Action Teams". HRI 2024 Workshop on Social Signals for HRI (SS4HRI). [pdf]

Ghosh, P., Leido, B., and Riek, L.D. (2024). "The Problem of Ableist Paternalism in Assistive Robotics." HRI 2024 Workshop on Assistive Applications, Accessibility, and Disability Ethics (A3DE). [pdf]

Jayaraman, S., Cruz-Sandoval, D., Kubota, A., and Riek, L.D. (2024). "What a healthcare worker wants, what a disabled person needs: Exploring stakeholder design tensions in assistive robotics." HRI 2024 Workshop on Assistive Applications, Accessibility, and Disability Ethics (A3DE). [pdf]


Kubota, A., Pei, R., Sun, E., Cruz-Sandoval, D., Kim, S., and Riek, L.D. "Get SMART: Collaborative Goal Setting with Cognitively Assistive Robots." In Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM/IEEE Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). 2023. [Acceptance rate: 25%] [pdf]

Matsumoto, S., Ghosh, P., Jamshad, R., and Riek, L. D. "Robot, Uninterrupted: Telemedical Robots to Mitigate Care Disruption." In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2023. [Acceptance rate: 25%] [pdf]

Ahumada-Newhart, V., De La Pena Jr, A. and Riek, L., 2023. Promoting Access in a Mexican-American Museum during the Pandemic: Online Community Events and Robots. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 16(2), p.67. [pdf

Suresh, A., Taylor, A., Riek, L.D., and Martinez, S. "Robot Navigation in Risky, Crowded Environments: Understanding Human Preferences". In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023. [pdf]

Ahumada, V., Schneider, M., and Riek, L.D. "The power of robot-mediated play: Forming friendships and expressing identity". ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction (THRI), 2023. pp. 1-10.

Lee, H. and Riek, L.D. (2023). "Designing Robots for Aging: Wisdom as a Critical Lens". ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction (THRI). pp. 1-20. [pdf]


Kubota, A. "Enabling Longitudinal Personalized Behavior Adaptation for Cognitively Assistive Robots", PhD Dissertation, University of California, San Diego. June 2023.
🏆 2023 CSE Dissertation Award for Best Thesis and 🏆 2022 CSE Doctoral Award for Excellence in Research

Pourebadi, M. "Expressive, Interactive Robotic Patient Simulators for Clinical Education", PhD Dissertation, University of California, San Diego. June 2023.


Taylor, A. and Riek, L.D. (2022) "REGROUP: A Robot-Centric Group Detection and Tracking System." In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM/IEEE Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). [Acceptance rate: 24.8%] [pdf]
🏆 Best Paper Award

Kubota, A., Cruz-Sandoval, D., Kim, S., Twamley, E., and Riek, L.D. (2022). "Cognitively Assistive Robots at Home: HRI Design Patterns for Translational Science." In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM/IEEE Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). [Acceptance rate: 24.8%] [pdf]
🏆 Best Paper Honorable Mention

Taylor, A., Murakami, M., Kim, S., Chu, R., and Riek, L.D. (2022) “Hospitals of the Future: Designing Interactive Robotic Systems for Resilient Emergency Departments" In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW). [Acceptance rate <30%]. [pdf]

Bjorling, E. and Riek, L.D. (2022) "Designing for Exit: How to let robots go". In Proceedings of We Robot 2022. [Acceptance rate: 22%] [pdf]

Pourebadi, M. and Riek, L.D. (2022). "Facial Expression Modeling and Synthesis for Patient Simulator Systems: Past, Present, and Future." ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare. [pdf]. pp. 1-34.

Matsumoto, S., Washburn, A., and Riek, L.D. (2022). "A Framework to Explore Proximate Human-Robot Coordination". ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction (THRI). pp. 1-35. [pdf]

Matsumoto, S. and Riek, L.D. (2022). "Shared Control in Human Robot Teaming: Toward Context-Aware Communication" In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Closing the Assessment Loop: Communicating Proficiency and Intent in Human-Robot Teaming. [pdf]

Kubota, A., Sandoval-Cruz, D., Kim, S., Twamley, E. and Riek, L.D. (2022) "Cognitively Assistive Robots at Home: Translating Clinical Interventions to Robots" In Proc. of the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), 2022.

Astorga, M., Favela, J. Dagoberto Cruz-Sandoval, and Riek, L.D. (2022) "A social robot to support people with dementia at mealtimes: Design, implementation and preliminary evaluation" In Proc. of the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), 2022.


Matsumoto, S., Moharana, S., Devanagondi, N., Oyama, L., and Riek, L.D. "Iris: A Low-Cost Telemedicine Robot to Support Healthcare Safety and Equity During a Pandemic". (2021). Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth). [pdf]

Taylor, A., Matsumoto, S., Xiao, W., and Riek, L.D. (2021) "Social Navigation for Mobile Robots in the Emergency Department". 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). [pdf]

Iqbal, T. and Riek, L.D. (2021). "Temporal Anticipation and Adaptation Methods for Fluent Human-Robot Teaming". 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). [pdf]

Kubota, A., Pourebadi, M., Banh, S., Kim, S., Riek, L.D. (2021) "Somebody That I Used to Know: The Risks of Personalizing Robots for Dementia Care". In Proceedings of We Robot 2021. [Acceptance rate: 15%] [pdf]

Guan, C., Bouzida, A., Oncy-Avila, R., Moharana, S., and Riek, L.D. "Taking an (Embodied) Cue From Community Health: Designing Dementia Caregiver Support Technology to Advance Health Equity". Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2021. pp. 1-24. [Acceptance rate: 26.3%] [pdf]

Wang, Z., Zhang, C., Singh, M., Riek, L.D., and Chaudhuri, K. (2021). “Multitask Bandit Learning Through Heterogeneous Feedback Aggregation”. In Proceedings of The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS). pp. 1-11. [Acceptance rate: 29%]

Pourebadi, M. and Riek, L.D. (2021). "Facial Expression Modeling and Synthesis for Patient Simulator Systems: Past, Present, and Future." ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare.

Kubota, A. and Riek, L.D. "Methods for Robot Behavior Adaptation for Cognitive Neurorehabilitation". (2021). Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems. [pdf preprint]

Kress-Gazit, H., Eder, K., Hoffman, G., Admoni, H., Argall, B., Ehlers, R., Heckman, C., Jansen, N., Knepper, R., Kretinsky, J. and Levy-Tzedek, S., (2021). Formalizing and Guaranteeing Human-Robot Interaction. Communications of the ACM. In press, arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.16732. [pdf]

Kubota, A. and Riek, L.D. "Behavior Adaptation for Robot-assisted Neurorehabilitation" (2021). In HRI Pioneers 2021. [Acceptance rate: 37%] [pdf]

Bahn, S., Zheng, E., Kubota, A., Riek, L.D. (2021) "A Robot-based Gait Training System for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation”. In Companion Proc. of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2021. [pdf]

Astorga, A., Cruz-Sandoval, D., Mitjans, A., Riek, L.D., and Favela, J. (2021). "Design of a Social Robot to Understand Caregivers'' Perception of Disruptive Eating Behaviors by People with Dementia." HRI 2021 Workshop on Research Through Design Approaches in Human-Robot Interaction (RtDxHRI). [pdf]

Newhart, V. and Riek, L.D. (2021). "Telerobots for Informal Learning in Schools." HRI 2021 Workshop on Robots 4 Learning (R4L). [pdf]


Taylor, A. "HRI in Safety-Critical Environments: Perception of and Interaction with Groups". PhD Dissertation, University of California, San Diego. June 2021.

Chan, D. "Unseen Object Perception for Robot Vision". PhD Dissertation, University of California, San Diego. June 2021.


Kubota, A., Peterson, E., Rajendren, V., Kress-Gazit, H., and Riek, L.D. (2020). "JESSIE: Synthesizing social robot behaviors for personalized neurorehabilitation and beyond." In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). [Acceptance rate: 23.6%]. [pdf]

Wang, Z., Singh, M.K., Zhang, C., Riek, L.D., and Chaudhuri, K. (2020). "Stochastic multiplayer bandit learning from player-dependent feedback." ICML 2020 Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning. [pdf]

Taylor, A., Chan, D., and Riek, L.D. (2020). "Robot-Centric Perception of Human Groups." ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction. [pdf]

Chan, D. and Riek, L.D. (2020). "Unseen Salient Object Discovery for Monocular Robot Vision." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Also appears in ICRA 2020. [pdf]

Washburn, A., Adeleye, A., An, T., and Riek, L.D. (2020). "Robot Errors in Proximate HRI: How Functionality Framing Affects Perceived Reliability and Trust". In ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction (THRI). [pdf]

Taylor, A., Matsumoto, S., and Riek, L.D. (2020). "Situating Robots in the Emergency Department". In AAAI Spring Symposium on Applied AI in Healthcare: Safety, Community, and the Environment. [pdf]

Pourebadi, M. and Riek, L.D. (2020). "Stroke Modeling and Synthesis for Robotic and Virtual Patient Simulators". In AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Human Robot Interaction (AI-HRI). [pdf]

Pourebadi, M., Labuzetta, J., Gonzalez, C., Suresh, P., and Riek, L.D. (2020) "Mimicking Acute Stroke Findings With a Digital Avatar." Stroke. [pdf]

Washburn, A., Matsumoto, S., and Riek, L.D. (2020). "Trust Aware Control in Proximate Human Robot Teaming". In Trust in Human Robot Interaction, Eds. Nam and Lyons. [pdf]

Van Patten, R., Keller, A. V., Maye, J., Jeste, D. V., Depp, C., Riek, L.D., & Twamley, E. W. (2020). Home-based cognitively-assistive robots: Maximizing cognitive functioning and maintaining independence in older adults without dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging. [pdf]


Taylor, A., Lee, H., Kubota, A., and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Coordinating Clinical Teams: Using Robots to Empower Nurses to Stop the Line". In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW). [Acceptance rate = 30%] [pdf]
🏆 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention

Frank, A., Kubota, A., and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Wearable activity recognition for robust human-robot teaming in safety-critical environments via hybrid neural networks". In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). [pdf]

Chan, D. and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Object Proposal Algorithms in the Wild: Are they Generalizable to Robot Perception?". In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). [pdf]

Kubota, A., Iqbal, T., Shah, J.A., and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Activity recognition in manufacturing: The roles of motion capture and sEMG+inertial wearables in detecting fine vs. gross motion". In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). [pdf]

Moosaei, M., Pourebadi, M., and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Modeling and Synthesizing Idiopathic Facial Paralysis". In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG). [pdf] [Acceptance rate: 20%]

Moharana, S., Panduro, A., Lee, H., and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Robots for Joy, Robots for Sorrow: Community Based Robot Design for Dementia Caregivers". In Proc. of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). [Acceptance rate: 24%] [pdf]
🏆 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention

Welfare, K.S., Hallowell, M.,R., Shah, J.A., and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Consider the Human Work Experience when Integrating Robotics in the Workplace". In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI). [Acceptance rate: 24%] [pdf]

Chan, D. and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Unsupervised Salient Object Discovery for Robots". In Proceedings of the Robotics, Science, and Systems (RSS) Pioneers Workshop. [pdf] [Acceptance rate = 32%]

Matsumoto, S. and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Fluent Coordination in Proximate Human Robot Teaming". In Proceedings of the Robotics, Science, and Systems (RSS) Workshop on AI and Its Alternatives for Shared Autonomy in Assistive and Collaborative Robotics. [pdf]

Frank, A. and Riek, L.D. (2019). "Socially intelligent task and motion planning for human-robot interaction". In Proceedings of the Robotics, Science, and Systems (RSS) Workshop on Robust Task and Motion Planning. [pdf]


Luxton, D. D. & Riek, L. (2018). "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Rehabilitation." In Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology, 3rd Edition. [pdf]

Woodwarth, B., Ferrari, F., Zosa, T., Riek, L.D. (2018) "Preference Learning in Assistive Robotics: Observational Repeated Inverse Reinforcement Learning" In Proceedings of Machine Learning for Healthcare (MHLC). [Acceptance Rate: 19%]. [pdf]

Iqbal, T., Shah, A., and Riek, L.D. (2018). "Toward a Real-time Activity Segmentation Method for Human-Robot Teaming". In Proc. of the Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), Towards a framework for Joint Action: What about Theory of Mind Workshop, 2018. [pdf]

Frank, A. and Riek, L.D. (2018). "Nonvisual activity recognition for fluent human-robot teaming in emergency departments.". Robotics: Science and Sytems (RSS), Women in Robotics Workshop.

Kubota, A. and Riek, L.D. (2018). "Recognition of Manufacturing Activities using Deep Learning and Wearable Sensors" Robotics: Science and Sytems (RSS), Women in Robotics Workshop.

Lee, H. and Riek, L.D. (2018). "Reframing Assistive Robots to Promote Successful Aging". ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction. [pdf]

Taylor, A. and Riek, L.D. (2018). "Robot-Centric Human Group Detection". In Proc. of Social Robots in the Wild, Workshop at the 13th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018). [pdf]

Pourebadi, M. and Riek, L.D. (2018). "Expressive Robotic Patient Simulators for Clinical Education". In Proc. of R4L Workshop on Robots for Learning - Inclusive Learning, Workshop at the 13th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018). [pdf]


Chan, D., Taylor, A., and Riek, L.D. (2017). "Faster Robot Perception Using Salient Depth Partitioning". Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). pp. 4152-4158. [pdf]

Iqbal, T. and Riek, L.D. (2017). "Human Robot Teaming: Approaches from Joint Action and Dynamical Systems". Invited chapter in Springer Handbook of Humanoid Robotics. [pdf]

Riek, L.D. (2017). "Healthcare Robotics". Communictions of the ACM, Vol. 60, No. 11. pp. 68-78. [pdf]

Moosaei, M., Das, M., Popa, D., and Riek, L.D. (2017) "Using Facially Expressive Robots to Calibrate Clinical Pain Perception". In Proc. of the 12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), pp. 1-8. [Acceptance Rate: 24%] [pdf]
🏆 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention

Iqbal, T. and Riek, L.D. (2017) "Coordination Dynamics in Multi-human Multi-robot Teams". IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. (Also appears in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017). [Acceptance Rate: 41%] [pdf]

Taylor, A. and Riek, L.D. (2017). "Robot Affiliation Perception for Social Interaction". In Proc. of Robots in Groups and Teams Workshop at CSCW 2017. pp. 1-4. [pdf]


Iqbal, T. "Coordination Dynamics in Human-Robot Teams". PhD Dissertation, University of California, San Diego. June 2017.

Moosaei, M. "Using Facially Expressive Robots to Increase Realism in Patient Simulation" PhD Dissertation, University of Notre Dame. June 2017.


Adamson, M., Riek, L.D., and Liston, D."Neurorehabilitation applications: Expanding the horizons for longitudinal assessments and non-invasive treatments in mild and moderate TBI". American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R). In press.

Iqbal, T., Rack, S., and Riek, L.D. "Movement Coordination in Human-Robot Teams: A Dynamical Systems Approach". IEEE Transactions on Robotics. vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 909-919, 2016. [pdf]

Iqbal, T. Moosaei, M., and Riek, L.D. "Tempo Adaptation and Anticipation Methods for Human-Robot Teams", Robotics, Science and Systems (RSS) 2016 Workshop on Planning for Human-Robot Interaction, 2016. [pdf] [
🏆 Awarded AIJ Student Award

Gonzales. M., Henry, J., Calhoun, A., and Riek, L.D. "Visual TASK: A Collaborative Cognitive Aid for Acute Care Resuscitation". 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Health), pp. 1-8, 2016. [pdf] [Acceptance Rate: 35%]

Hayes, C.J., Moosaei, M., and Riek, L.D. "Exploring Implicit Human Responses to Robot Mistakes in a Learning from Demonstration Task". IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016), pp. 1-6, 2016. pdf [Acceptance Rate: 47%]

Taylor, A. and Riek, L.D. "Robot Perception of Human Groups in the Real World: State of the Art", In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI), 2016. [pdf]

Iqbal, T. and Riek, L.D. "Human Coordination Dynamics with Heterogeneous Robots in a Team". In Proc. of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) Pioneers, 2016. [Acceptance Rate: 30%] [pdf]


Hayes, C.J. "Building Adaptable Robots: How Behavioral Metrics Can Enable Robots to Implicitly Learn from Humans". PhD Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, Dec 2015. [pdf]

Gonzales, M.J. "Safety Critical Health Technology Design". PhD Dissertation, University of Notre Dame, May 2016.
🏆 Awarded Eli J. and Helen Shaheen Graduate School Award for Engineering


Nigam, A. and Riek, L.D. "Social Context Perception for Mobile Robots". In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015. [pdf]

Iqbal, T. and Riek, L.D. "Detecting and Synthesizing Synchronous Joint Action in Human-Robot Teams". In Proc. of the 17th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), pp. 581-585, 2015. [pdf]

Iqbal, T. and Riek, L.D. "A Method for Automatic Detection of Psychomotor Entrainment". In IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 1-15, 2015. [pdf]

Iqbal, T., Gonzales, M.J., and Riek, L.D. "Joint Action Perception to Enable Fluent Human-Robot Teamwork". In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Robot Human Communication (RO-MAN), 2015. [pdf]

Riek, L.D. "Robotics Technology in Mental Healthcare". In D. Luxton (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence in Behavioral Health and Mental Health Care. Elsevier, 2015. pp. 185-203. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-420248-1.00008-8 [pdf]

Iqbal, T., Rack, S., and Riek, L.D. "Will You Join The Dance? Toward Synchronous Joint Action in Human Robot Teams". In Proceedings of the 6th Annual Joint Action Meeting, 2015.

C. Hayes and L.D. Riek, "Robot Errors and Human Teachers: The Effects of Personality and Patience During Learning Tasks", RSS Workshop on Negative Results in Robotics, 2015. [pdf].

Gonzales, M.J. and Riek, L.D. "Reinventing the Reference Guide: An Interactive Cognitive Aid for Acute Care Resuscitation Teams". Simulation in Healthcare. Dec 2015.

Gonzales, M.J., Cheung, V., and Riek, L.D. "Designing Collaborative Healthcare Technology for the Acute Care Workflow". In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2015. [Acceptance Rate: 30%]. [pdf]
🏆 Honored by Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology as an endorsed paper

O'Connor, M.F. and Riek, L.D. "Detecting Social Context: A Method for Social Event Classification Using Naturalistic Multimodal Data". In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (F&G), 2015. [pdf]

Moosaei, M., Hayes, C.J., and Riek, L.D. "Performing Facial Expression Synthesis on Robot Faces: A Real-time Software System". In Proceedings of the 4th International AISB Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction, AISB, 2015. [pdf]

Riek, L.D. "A System and Method for Robotic Patient Synthesis". Patent Publication Number 14/336,897, Filed Jul 21, 2014. [pdf]

Rack, S., Iqbal, T., and Riek, L.D. "Enabling Synchronous Joint Action in Human-Robot Teams". In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2015. [pdf]

Moosaei, M., Hayes, C.J., and Riek, L.D. "Facial Expression Synthesis on Robots: An ROS Module". In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2015. [pdf]

Riek, L.D., Hartzog, W., Howard, D., Moon, A., Calo, R. "The Emerging Policy and Ethics of Human Robot Interaction". In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2015. [pdf]


Hayes, C.J. "Exploring Behavioral Personality Metrics for Human-Robot Interaction". Master's Thesis, University of Notre Dame, April 2014.

Gonzales, M.J. and Riek, L.D. "A Multimodal Interactive System to Support Team Situational Awareness in Acute Care". Simulation in Healthcare, Vol. 9, Issues 6, 2014. In press.

Iqbal, T., Gonzales, M.J. and Riek, L.D. "Mobile Robots and Marching Humans: Measuring Synchronous Joint Action While in Motion". In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI), 2014. [pdf]

Hayes, C.J. and Riek, L.D. "Establishing Human Personality Metrics for Adaptable Robots During Learning Tasks". In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI), 2014. [pdf]

Moosaei, M., Gonzales, M.J., and Riek, L.D. (2014). "Naturalistic Pain Synthesis for Virtual Patients". In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI). pp. 295 - 309. [Acceptance Rate: 17%]. [pdf]

Iqbal, T. and Riek, L.D. (2014) "Assessing Group Synchrony During a Rhythmic Social Activity: A Systemic Approach". In Proc. of the 6th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS). [Acceptance Rate: 28%] [pdf]

Iqbal, T. and Riek, L.D. (2014). "Role Distribution in Synchronous Human-Robot Joint Action„.23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Towards a Framework for Joint Action Workshop. [pdf]

Iqbal, T., Gonzales, M.J., and Riek, L.D. (2014) "A Model for Time-Synchronized Sensing and Motion to Support Human-Robot Fluency". In Proc. of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Workshop on Timing in HRI. [pdf]

Riek, L.D. and Howard, D. (2014) "A Code of Ethics for the Human-Robot Interaction Profession." In Proc. of We Robot 2014. [Acceptance Rate: 25%]. [pdf]

Hayes, C.J., O'Connor, M.F., and Riek, L.D. (2014) "Avoiding Robot Faux Pas: Using Social Context to Teach Robots Behavioral Propriety". In Proc. of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). [pdf]

Diehl, J.J., Crowell, C.R., Villano, M., Wier, K., Tang, K, & Riek, L.D. "Clinical applications of robots in Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment" In V.B. Patel, V.R. Preedy, and C.R. Martin (Eds.), A comprehensive guide to autism. Springer Publishing. 2014.


Gonzales, M.J., Moosaei, M., and Riek, L.D. (2013). "A Novel Method for Synthesizing Naturalistic Pain on Virtual Patients”. Simulation in Healthcare, Vol. 8, Issue 6. [pdf].
🏆 Best overall paper and 🏆 Best student paper at IMSH 2014

Janiw, A.E., Woodrick, L.S., and Riek, L.D. (2013). "Patient situational awareness support appears to fall with advancing levels of nursing student education". Simulation in Healthcare, Vol. 8, Issue 6. [pdf]

Riek, L.D. (2013). "The Social Co-Robotics Problem Space: Six Key Challenges". In Proceedings of Robotics: Science, and Systems (RSS), Robotics Challenges and Visions. [pdf]

Janiw, A.E., Rzepczynski, A.P., and Riek, L.D. (2013). "Hands-on Care: How Team Makeup May Affect Patient Situational Awareness in Simulation Training Environments." International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH).

Gonzales, M.J., Gerardi, C., and Riek, L.D. (2013). "Designing mHealth Communication Tools for Cancer Care: What patients need, what clinicians need, and what's the difference?" International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH).

Gonzales, M.J. and Riek, L.D. (2013). "Co-designing Patient-centered Health Communication Tools for Cancer Care". In Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth). [Acceptance Rate: 30%]. [pdf]

Gonzales, M.J., O'Connor, M.F., and Riek, L.D. (2013) "Contextual Constraints for the Design of Patient-Centered Health IT Tools". Studies in Technology Health Informatics, 194, 75-81. PMID 23941934. [PubMed]

Hayes, C., Crowell, C., and Riek, L.D. (2013). "Automatic Processing of Irrelevant Co-Speech Gestures with Human but not Robot Actors". In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). [Acceptance Rate: 24%] [pdf]

Hayes, C., Crowell, C., and Riek, L.D. (2013). "Human Processing of Robot Co-Speech Gestures". In Proceedings of the HRI Pioneers Workshop at the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).

Moosaei, M. and Riek, L.D. (2013). "Evaluating Facial Expression Synthesis on Robots". In Proceedings of the HRI Workshop on Applications for Emotional Robots at the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). [pdf]


Huus, A. and Riek, L.D. (2012) "Assessing High-Fidelity Mannequin Facial Expressivity: A Preliminary Gap Analysis." Simulation in Healthcare. Vol. 7, No. 6., p. 541.

Gonzales, M.J. and Riek, L.D. (2012) "Designing an Interface to Support Shared Decision Making in Oncology." In Proc. of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare.

Riek, L.D. (2012) "Embodied Computation: An Active-Learning Approach to Mobile Robotics Education". In IEEE Transactions on Education, Special Issue on Robotics Education. Vol. 56, No. 1. [pdf]

O'Connor, M. (2012) "Machine Analysis and Recognition of Social Contexts". In Proc. of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI).

Rzepcynski, A.P., Martin, T.J., Riek., L.D. (2012). "Informed consent and haptic actions in interdisciplinary simulation training". In Proceedings of the American Public Health Association (APHA).

Riek, L.D. "Wizard of Oz Studies in HRI: A Systematic Review and New Reporting Guidelines." (2012). Journal of Human Robot Interaction. 1:(1), p. 119-136 [pdf]

Gonzales, M.J. and Riek, L.D. "A Sociable Robotic Aide for Medication Adherence." (2012). In Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA). [pdf]

Rzepcynski, A.P., Martin, T.J., Riek., L.D. "Communication and awareness: the building blocks of a successful clinical environment." (2012). International Conference on Communication in Healthcare. (EACH).

Gonzales, M.J. and Riek, L.D. "A Shared Interface to Improve Oncologist-Patient Communication." (2012). 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. [pdf]

Castellano, G., Riek, L.D., Peters, C., Karpouzis, K., Marin, J., and Morency, L. "Introduction to the Special Issue on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments". ACM Transactions on Intelligent Information Systems (TiiS). (1):2, 2012.

Huus, A. and Riek, L.D. "An Expressive Robotic Patient to Improve Clinical Communication." (2012). In Proceedings of the HRI Pioneers Workshop at the 7th ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). [Acceptance Rate: 22%]

Martin, T.J, Rzepczynski, A.P., Riek, L.D. "Ask, Inform, or Act: Communication With a Robotic Patient Before Haptic Action". (2012). In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). [pdf]

Yue, T. Janiw, A., Huus, A., Aguiñaga, S., Archer, M., Hoefle, K., and Riek, L.D. "Creating Human-Robot Rapport with Mobile Sculpture". (2012). In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). [pdf]

Aguiñaga, S. and Riek, L.D. "Advances in Robotics and Computer Vision for Assistive Technology". (2012) In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN).


Riek, L.D., O'Connor, M.F., and Robinson, P. "Guess What? A game for affective annotation of video using crowd sourcing". (2011).  In Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2011). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Oct 2011. [Acceptance Rate: 35%] [pdf]

Mahmoud, M., Baltrušaitis, T., Robinson, P., and Riek, L. "3D corpus of spontaneous complex mental states." (2011). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2011). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Oct 2011. [Acceptance Rate: 35%] [pdf]

Robinson, P., Baltrušaitis, T., Davies, I., Pfister, T., Riek, L., and Hull, K. "The emotional computer". IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing, San Francisco, CA, June 2011.
🏆 Best video award

Riek, L.D., and Robinson, P. "Challenges and Opportunities in Building Socially Intelligent Machines". (2011). IEEE Signal Processing. Vol. 28, Issue 3, p. 146-149. [pdf]

Riek, L.D. and Robinson, P. "Using Robots to Help People Habituate to Visible Disabilities." (2011). In Proceedings of the IEEE/RAS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2011). Zurich, Switzerland; July. [pdf]

Riek, L.D., Adams, A., and Robinson, P. (2011). "Exposure to cinematic depictions of robots and attitudes towards them." ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Workshop on Expectations in Intuitive Human-Robot Interaction. Lausanne, Switzerland, March, 2011. [pdf]


Riek, L.D. and Watson, R.N.M. "The Age Of Avatar Realism: When Seeing Shouldn't Be Believing" (2010). IEEE Robotics and Automation. Vol. 17, Issue 4, p. 37-42. [pdf]

Riek, L.D., Paul, P., and Robinson, P. "When my robot smiles at me: Enabling human-robot rapport via real-time head gesture mimicry" (2010). Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Vol. 3, Num. 1, p. 99-108. [pdf]

Baltrušaitis, T., Riek, L.D., and Robinson, P. "Synthesizing Expressions using Facial Feature Point Tracking: How Emotion is Conveyed" (2010). In Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments (AFFINE '10), ACM-MM '10, Florence, Italy, October, 2010. [Acceptance Rate: 50%]  [pdf]

Riek, L.D., Mavridis, N., Antali, S., Darmaki, N., Ahmed, Z., Al-Neyadi, M., and Alketheri, A. "Ibn Sina Steps Out: Exploring Arabic Attitudes Toward Humanoid Robots" (2010). In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction, AISB, Leicester, UK, April 1, 2010. [pdf]

Riek, L.D., Rabinowitch, T., Bremner, P., Pipe, A.G., Fraser, M., and Robinson, P. "Cooperative Gestures: Effective Signaling for Humanoid Robots" (2010). In Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Osaka, Japan, March 2-5, 2010. [Acceptance Rate: 20.9%] [pdf]

Riek, L.D. and Robinson, P. (2010). "Synthesizing head and facial movement disorders on android robots." In Proceedings of the ACM / SSPNet 2nd International Symposium on Facial Analysis and Animation,  Edinburgh, October 21, 2010.

Riek, L.D. and Robinson, P. (2010). "Teaching clinical communication with expressive robots." Poster at Handling Gesture: Theory and Method in Gesture Studies. International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS). Frankfurt an der Oder. [Acceptance Rate: 23%]


Riek, L.D., Rabinowitch, T., Chakrabarti, B., and Robinson, P. (2009). "Empathizing with Robots: Fellow Feeling Along the Anthropomorphic Spectrum.". In Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 09). Sept 10-12, 2009. [Acceptance Rate: 38%] [pdf]

Riek, L.D. (2009). "Toward Natural Human-Robot Interaction: Exploring Facial Expression Synthesis on an Android Robot". In Proc. of the Doctoral Consortium at the IEEE Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 09). Sept. 10-12, 2009. [pdf]

Riek, L.D. and Robinson, P. (2009). "Affective Centered Design for Interactive Robots." In Proceedings of the AISB Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction, Edinburgh, UK, April 6-9, 2009. [pdf]

Riek, L.D., Afzal, S. and Robinson, P. (2009). "Do Affect-Sensitive Machines Influence User Behavior?" In Proceedings of the AISB Symposium on The Social Understanding of Artificial Intelligence (SSoAI), Edinburgh, UK, April 6-9, 2009. [pdf]

Card, A.J. and Riek, L.D. (2009). "First do no harm: Providing safe and effective chronic disease management during a flu pandemic." Workshop on Designing With Care at the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Health 09), London, UK, March 31, 2009.

Riek, L.D. (2009). "Toward Natural Human-Robot Interaction via Empathy." Perspectives on Progress: Crossing Boundaries in Research. Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference. Cambridge, UK, Jun 25-26, 2009.

Riek, L.D., Rabinowitch, T., Chakrabarti, B., and Robinson, P. (2009). "How Anthropomorphism Affects Empathy Toward Robots". In Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 09), San Diego, CA, USA, March 10-13, 2009. [pdf]

Riek, L.D. (2009). "Empathy and Robots". In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction Pioneers Workshop, 2009 (HRI Pioneers 09), San Diego, CA, USA, March 10, 2009.


Riek, L.D. and Robinson, P. (2008). "Real-time Empathy: Facial Mimicry on a Robot". Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments (AFFINE) at the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 08). ACM. October 2008.

Riek, L.D. and Robinson, P. (2008). "Robot, Rabbit, or Red Herring? Societal Acceptance as a Function of Classification Ease." 17th International IEEE Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2008) Workshop Robots as Social Actors: Evaluating Social Acceptance and Societal Impact of Robotic Agents. IEEE. August 2008. [pdf]

Riek, L. D., Afzal, S. Robinson, P. (2008). "Affect Decoding Measures and Human-Computer Interaction." In Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2008: 6th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research. Noldus. August 2008. [pdf]

Before 2008

Riek, L. D. (2007). "Realizing Hinokio: Candidate Requirements for Physical Avatar Systems." In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Conference on Human Robot Interaction. (HRI 2007) ACM. March 2007. [Acceptance Rate: 22%]  [pdf]

Drury, J. L., Riek, L. D., Rackliffe, N. (2006). "A Decomposition of UAV-Related Situation Awareness". In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Conference on Human Robot Interaction. (HRI 2006). ACM. March 2006. [Acceptance Rate: 29%]  [pdf]

Riek, L.D. and Drury, J. (2006). "Situation Awareness Issues and Approaches for Human Technology Teams." MIT Humans And Technology Symposium. January 2006. Boston, MA.

Brachman, R., Gunning, D., Brooks, R., Damianos, L., Fish, R., Littman, M., Riek, L.D., Veloso, M. (2005). "Search Engine for the Real World: The Grand Treasure Hunt." In L. Damianos (Ed.), Selected Grand Challanges in Cognitive Science (pp. 4-20). MITRE Technical Report. November 2005. [pdf]

Doran, C., Mani, I., Oshika, B., Riek, L.D. (2005). "Supplement to Handy Andy: A Cognitive Grand Challenge." In L. Damianos (Ed.), Selected Grand Challanges in Cognitive Science (pp. 82-89). MITRE Technical Report. November 2005. [pdf]

Drury, J. L., Riek, L. D., Rackliffe, N. (2005). "A Decomposition of UAV-Related Situation Awareness." MITRE Technical Report. October 2005. [pdf]

Day, D., Kozierok, R., McHenry, C., Riek, L. D. (2004). "Callisto: A Configurable Annotation Workbench." In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. (LREC 2004). ELRA. May, 2004. [pdf]

Drury, J., Riek, L. D., Christiansen, A., Eyler-Walker, Z., Maggi, A., Smith, D. (2003)."Evaluating Human-Robot Interaction in a Search-and-Rescue Context." In Proceedings of the 2003 Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS 2003). NIST. September 2003. [pdf]

Drury, J., Riek, L. D., Christiansen, A., Eyler-Walker, Z., Maggi, A., Smith, D. (2003). "Command and Control of Robot Teams." In Proceedings of the 2003 Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Conference (AUVSI 2003). AUVSI. July 2003. [pdf]

Note: The above material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights in the papers are retained by authors and by other copyright holders.